So today I made my way down to the Adamson Gallery to view the The Sartorialist exhibit and I must say I was thoroughly pleased at what I saw! Actually, I take that back. Scrolling through The Sartorialist on a day-to-day basis and appreciating the refined and eclectic sense of style that engulfs the world over has left me more than pleased. Seeing the man himself (Scott Schuman) amidst some of his finest pieces of work was breathtaking to say the least and eclipsed my wildest dreams.
The setup of the Adamson was self-effacing which added immensely to Schuman’s art. Vacant, white walls canvassed the gallery with Schuman’s animated portraits peppering life into the somewhat minimalist décor.
Aside from the occasional snapshots of fashion luminaries such as Ozwald Boateng or Gilles Bensimon, much of the characters that adorn the pages of The Sartorialist are virtual unknowns. For them, their reputations are purely mediated by the slightly cocksure poise they exude, the complementary backdrop that oddly enough always flanks them, and their fashionable flair that consummates the artistry of the entire photo.
Now I’m sure many would esteem for such a reputation (decked out in their Sartorialist best, half the attendees at Adamson surely did), but the question is how does one go about doing so? Well, simply going bold and unrelenting in your arsenal of looks can be a start. Trust, from someone who frequents The Sartorialist multiple times a day, my advice is well-grounded. For men, bold does not necessarily mean experimenting with sprightly colors as a simple, well-tailored, suit-and-tie guise will definitely garner you Sartorial acclaim. However, well-tailored with a dollop of color (i.e., a dashing pocket square-tie combo) is equally if not more effective in building that Sartorial clout. As for the ladies, maintaining the spirited theme of gaily, bright dresses or accessories with an avant-garde twist will also score points. Seriously, formulaic, clichéd styles will not cut it unless it is worked in creatively and the look is commanded as one's own. Furthermore, across the board, creative use of patterning (that works mind you) is something that will, at an instant, catch Schuman’s eye.
So after reading all this, are you as geeked about The Sartorialist as the good hundred patrons that strolled into the Adamson? From a mere description, it may be hard to come to grips with the giddiness that surrounds Schuman’s art and his overall contribution to the fashion industry. Phillip Lim of 3.1 Phillip Lim has lauded Schuman as a “pioneer” in capturing the true style of the street while Derek Lam frequents the site at a rate where he enters into a panic when new photos are not up. So if designers and fashion notables alike are drawing inspiration from Scott Schuman’s work, do yourself and your wardrobe a favor and click on over to The Sartorialist—it’ll be a worthwhile sojourn that could very well turn addictive!